Recycling Myself

Welcome to the most exciting time in my life. So far.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

1 in 8

Every year, I send out a facebook message, or I write a blog post, to get in touch with my friends' sensitive sides regarding the Breast Cancer 3Day.  I've lost loved ones to cancer, and I don't want anyone else to lose someone.  And, I will include links for those, if you want to read them.

Cancer Sucks
Breast Cancer 3 Day

Today, I'm using logic and statistics.  Not to scare anyone, but to make everyone understand how important this is to me.

A woman has a 1 in 8 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.  I don't know about you, but I can EASILY think of 8 women who are important to me.  I have 4 college roommates who I love and miss every day.  I have a sister, and a sister-in-law who are both amazing role models for me.  I've had the same best friend since first grade.  All of us (myself included) add up to 8.  Statistically, one of us will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

I am NOT ok with that, and I hope you're not either.

Now, obviously, we all have our crusades.  Breast cancer (or cancer in general, as I like to think about it) may not be yours, and that's fine.  But, none of us want to lose anyone or see anyone we love suffer, right?

I'm not asking you all to walk 60 miles in one weekend (although, if you wanted to, I could totally hook you up!).  What I am asking for is the support from you that I need to be successful in MY crusade.  The walking isn't the hard part.  It's painful, and it takes time and energy to train, and a few days to recover, but it's not hard.  Raising $2,300 is HARD.  But, through the help of my friends and family, I've done it for 3 years.  Want photographic evidence?

Day 3, 2009

Day 3, 2010

Day 3, 2011
I have, thankfully, raised the $2,300 each year before the event, and that's only because I have amazing friends and family.  So, help me!  Help me raise this money, help me change the world, help me make sure that the 1 in 8 statistic will not be scary anymore because there will be a cure.

There's a box to the right of this post.  If you click donate, it will take you directly to my donation screen. Help me in this fight in whatever way you can.  If you can't donate, pass this post off to your friends and family who may be able to help or who want to do something to fight back against that cancer that has taken so many of our favorite people away.

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