Recycling Myself

Welcome to the most exciting time in my life. So far.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Big Things

So, now that I've finished my 30 in 30, it's back to normal blogging for me.

Life has been a little nuts for me lately!  I got a new job that I'm VERY excited about.  It's close to home (no more driving on the highway!), better hours (I get done at 5, not 6 or 6:30!), and it's a completely new field for me.  Also, it's better pay, but with the other perks, I don't usually remember this one.  I worked for 2 and a half years doing basically the same thing.  Which isn't that long when you think about longevity in a career, but when you're just starting out in a field, it's good to get into a few specialties.  Plus, I'm making some connections.  It's a big organization, which is different than where I've been.  I'm excited.  Plus, they'll work with my school schedule over the years!

Which brings me to the next thing going on with my life... SCHOOL!  The fall semester has begun, with a BANG.  I'm taking 10 credits this semester, which seems a little crazy now that I'm doing it.  Especially when you consider what it is I'm taking... Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, and Nutrition.  I'm nuts.  But, so far I'm liking it.  Anatomy is hard.  I have a lot of trouble understanding the chapters.  But, I'm doing all right on the quizzes, and the labs aren't a problem.  In this class, I'm hoping hard work will outweigh my ability to take an exam.  Pharmacology is interesting.  I took Psychopharmacology in college, and after BOMBING my first test, I really started to focus and managed to come out of it with a B+.  This seems a little bit easier than that class, but at least in Psychopharm, I didn't have to do dosage calculations.  Math?!  I haven't done math in years!  Nutrition is interesting.  It's the only class I take in an actual classroom.  8pm-10:30pm on Tuesday nights...  It's a long night, but my professor is interesting, and I think I understand what's going on.  We'll see when I take my first exam.  Overall, I'm getting the hang of it.  But I probably won't come out of this semester with a 4.0 like I did last semester.  There's a huge difference between 4 credits and 10 credits...

Life is good.  Philip is in full swing at school, and I'm on to new and exciting opportunities.  We've been spending time with family and friends, and live in (primarily) marital bliss!  I am concerned about the friends and family I've left behind in Louisiana.  I pray for them regularly, and I hope they're able to clean up and rebuild after that jerkface Isaac trespassed into their homes.

Until next time!

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