Recycling Myself

Welcome to the most exciting time in my life. So far.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 4 of 30

Day 4 of 30 random things!

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self, if you could:

1.  LOOK FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS NOW.  Save money for college now.
2.  Don’t drive so fast.  You aren’t in any rush, you’re always on time or early for everything, and the tickets are way more than you can afford.
3.  Remember to put oil in your car.  Or else it will become a paperweight.  Translation:  Listen to dad.
4.  Don’t get caught up in the drama with your friends.  None of it is important, and you will stay friends with most of these people as an adult.  Just have fun.
5.  Don’t worry about not having your first kiss yet.  You’ll make up for it in college…
6.  Hug Jackie a little tighter.  In 10 years, you’ll live far away from her and miss her a lot.
7.  Your sister doesn’t hate you, she’s just going through a lot.  Try to be there for her.
8.  Stop saying you’re never going to get married.  You’ll feel really stupid in 10 years.
9.  Don’t make fun of the south.  One day you’ll live there and love it.
10.  Don’t try to force yourself to like someone just because it seems like a good idea and your friends think you’d be cute together.  You’ll find the perfect guy, but if you keep forcing yourself to date people you’re not that into, you’re going to break a lot of hearts on the way and feel really bad about yourself.

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