Recycling Myself

Welcome to the most exciting time in my life. So far.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 2 of 30

Day 2 of 30 random things!

Describe 3 legitimate fears and explain how they became fears.

3 Legitimate Fears

1.  I’m honestly really scared about getting pregnant.  I’m not worried about having kids.  Philip’s going to be a freaking awesome dad, and we have an amazing support system.  But I’m scared I’ll have trouble getting pregnant, I’m scared that the pregnancy will be difficult, I’m scared that I’ll feel sick the whole time, I’m scared I’ll be on bedrest…  Probably all normal stuff that women are afraid of, but there you go.

2.  I’m afraid of losing my husband.  I recognized the shift in my mind sometime when I got engaged.  I used to watch medical shows and identify with the main characters, the doctors, the interns, etc.  At some point I started identifying with the patients on those shows who lose the people they love, and it terrifies me.  Physically, I know I’d survive without my husband.  I’m proud of the fact that I can physically and financially support myself.  But emotionally, I’m not sure I’d make it without him.  Thankfully, he’s healthy and leads a safe life.  So it’s not something I worry about often, but it creeps up every once in a while.

3.  I can’t really go into much depth on this one, but I fear for my life at work.  When a package gets delivered that looks kind of strange, when there’s a loud sound outside the office, when someone comes in who looks suspicious, I always take a moment and think “This could be it.”  It’s scary.  But I love what I do, and it’s a small chance something could happen.  But I probably have a moment like that every single day.

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