Emily is Roommate. Roommate is Emily. That's all you need to know.
Me and Emily in our dorm room freshman year |
Freshman year, the geniuses at LVC (NOT sarcastic) randomly matched me up with Emily. And when I first met her, I thought, "Well, crap. She's gorgeous, so she's probably a bitch. Guess I can't be friends with her." Truly, this is how my mind worked at 18. Thank God that ended up being 100% wrong.
Emily's 21st birthday party (Coincidentally, this is also the weekend she started dating her now husband) |
Emily rocks. She's funny, she's silly, she's totally down-to-earth, totally easygoing, and a really freaking awesome fantastic loyal friend. And after I got over my first impression of her, we became friends pretty quickly and never stopped.
Kristen, me, Emily, and Erika at the first roommate wedding! |
Roommate was a physical therapy major. Which, at my school, meant you went to school for 6 years and came out with a doctorate in physical therapy. Yep, she's a doctor. Now, I have a lot of really smart friends, and Emily is definitely one of them. But she also works her butt off. I have never in my life seen anyone study so intensely, ever. If she had an exam, she was in the library ALL DAY. Seriously, her motivation for school was kind of unbelievable. But we also managed to have a lot of fun.
Roommates at my wedding |
Emily is one of those girls who's not super dramatic, who doesn't get caught up in other people's stuff, who doesn't worry so much about what other people think of her. She's totally comfortable in her own skin, and I hope to one day be more like her.
Emily and Mike's wedding day |
When we were juniors, she started dating "Hot Mike", as he was known at LVC. Don't worry, he knows we called him that. And let's face it, they're a damn good looking couple. And in 2011, I got to be a part of their beautiful wedding. It was so fun to be able to watch them start their marriage after getting to watch them start their dating relationship when we were in college. They're both probably the coolest people in the universe and they totally don't act like they're any cooler than anyone else. That's how you know how cool they are.
As LVC graduates in 2008! |
Emily has seen me through LOTS of stuff, and I am thankful every single day for her friendship. We don't talk every day, and we don't see each other but maybe once a year (why did I move again?), but she means the world to me and I can't imagine getting through college or any of the years after without her support.
If you know Emily, or maybe you had a college roommate as awesome as her (doubt it), then you know why I would want to put an end to breast cancer and make sure she's here for a very long time. The fear of Emily being the 1 in 8 women I know who could be diagnosed with breast cancer motivates me to walk 60 miles every year and raise $2,300.
Donate today in honor of Emily, or your Roommate.
Not sure how much to donate? Here are some numbers that are important to Emily's life:
$27 donation - In honor of the 27 years Emily has been on this earth!
$10 donation - In honor of the year Emily became a doctor!
$311 donation - In honor of the room we lived in as young, naive freshmen!
$21 donation - In honor of Emily and Mike's anniversary on 5/21!
$100 donation - In honor of the hundreds of times she's listened to me complain!
$86 donation - In honor of the year she was born!
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