Day 26 of 30 random things!
What popular notion do you think the world have most wrong?
I think most of what the world thinks about my generation is wrong. I sometimes think that as a 20-something, I'm pegged incorrectly. I think sometimes we're seen as spoiled and entitled, and that's not necessarily true (for all of us, anyway). I didn't want to go into an insane amount of debt for college. But not going to college wasn't really an option. I was raised with the idea that I could not get a job without a college degree. Yes, I could have gone somewhere cheaper, but I was 18 and that was what I wanted. I don't think my generation chooses to move back in with their parents after college, but they don't have an option. It's hard for a college student to get a job after graduation with no experience. It's even harder to get one that pays enough to live independently. So, we're all in debt and living off of our parents. But not everyone necessarily wants to do that. I know MANY 20-somethings who work harder than anyone I know, who are dedicated to their career, to helping those around them, and to being an independent individual. But I think sometimes those cases are ignored for the more popular notion that we're all spoiled and expect everything to be done for us. But, maybe I'm sensitive and a little biased. Maybe nobody feels that way.
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