I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be a liberal Christian. I want it to be very clear that I am not speaking for anyone but myself here.
I think a lot of times liberal Christians, like myself, spend a lot of their time defending their beliefs. And sometimes we have to. We have presidential candidates saying we don't exist. And we are definitely far outnumbered by more conservative Christians. And anytime we hear a non-Christian say something like "Christians are so judgmental and hipocritical," we feel we have to prove them wrong. Be the exception. I find a lot of times it's hard for me to differentiate my Christianity from my political and social beliefs. Are they tied into one? Are my politics becoming bigger than my Christianity? Sometimes I try so hard to prove that I am not one of "those Christians" that I forget to define my own Christianity.
I am a Christian who believes in love FOR ALL. A lot of times, liberal Christians (or maybe just me) use this to show that we are for equal rights for homosexuals, or a woman's right to choose, or any other hot political topic at the time. We love everyone. We believe in rights and equality for everyone. But do we extend that same love to the conservative Christians we're trying so hard not to be? Because even though a lot of times it seems like conservative Christians are the majority, they still deserve our love. We make jokes about them. We make fun of their way of worshiping, or how they interpret the bible. But we love the "outsiders". What if some of those "outsiders" held different beliefs than us? Would we still love them? Or would we lump them in with those conservatives who we believe are giving us a bad name?
I say, why be on the defensive? Sure, we have different political beliefs. We think society should look different than it does now. But why are there sides? Our Christianity should not be a war. And, in my opinion, these issues that seem so HUGE to us, probably seem so trivial to God. We follow Christ's teachings. We worship God. We love our neighbors (or try to). So, why does it always seems like it's us against them?
Faith looks different. Religion looks different. I don't think God is focusing on the minor political and social differences between us, and I don't think he's condemning any of us for those differences.
So, where does this leave us? Is it possible to stand up for what we believe in as liberal Christians without feeling anger or resentment for those who believe differently? I don't have any answers. But what I can do is try my best to love EVERYONE. Even the people who think my beliefs aren't Christian. Even the people who hate what I do for a living. Even the people who say a person can't be a liberal and a Christian. I can continue standing up for what I believe in, but not in a way where it seems like a war between our two sides. I can believe what I believe and still respect those who believe differently.
Or, I can at least try to.
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